Sunday, February 13, 2011

The nation very likely not will rise in price today

Author:Zhu Jian Hong
(Responsibility editor:Wooden bench)
On the 19-20th, suddenly and violently snow assaults nine rivers.In order to ensure a ships shipping safety in Yangtze River, nine maritime affairs bureau law enforcement officials of river strengthen an aquatic safety to patrol to coming and going ships to sow a hair safety to hint and support totally more than 10,000 safe Du lucks to traveller for two days.(Wang Xin Ying, chief reporter Cao is truly even)
(Responsibility editor:news4)
Today, the local finished product oil fee hike window way is definitely to open, whether the that time a partition still an international oil price changes ranges to all reach the red line that the nation raises an oil price or not, the vapor diesel retail price faces to raise possibility, but in many ways expert said, owing to local markup have no once punctually, plus a festival factor, the nation very likely not will rise in price today.

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